Milan Alasevic was born on 15th September 1952 in Pristina, in the former Yugoslavia. He is working as a freelance artist concentrated mainly to cartoon, caricature, illustration, painting, photography and design. His artworks have been published in a number of periodicals at home and abroad – Son Blague (France), Karuzela (Poland), Punch (England), Ludas Matyi (Hungary), Krokodil (Russia), Strsel (Bugaria), Palante (Cuba), Osten (Macedonia), Jez (Serbia), Pavliha, Bockalo (Bosna & Hercegovina), Rohac (Slovakia), Slobodna Dalmacia, Arena, Sportske Novosti, Studio, Vjesnik, Vecerni List, Danas, Brodolom, Borba, Expres Politika, and many others. He participated in the launch of the magazine OSA – Slovenia where he worked in the period from 2000 to 2002 as the editor for cartoons. His artworks have been exhibited at more than 50 solo exhibitions and countless collective exhibitions. Milan Alasevic participated at numerous both national and international cartoon competitions around the world and his works have been awarded various prizes (1976 – 3rd Prize “Pavliha”, Yugoslavia; 1983, 1989, 1993, 1994 – Special Award, Ancona, Italy; 2nd Prize at “Expo 86” Osaka, Japan; 1995, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006- Special Award, Seoul, South Korea; 2001 – Special Prize, Saitama, Japan; 2001, 2003, 2004 – Special Prize, Lengmu, China; and others). Milan Alasevic is living and working in Celje, Slovenia.
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