Rasto Visokai was born on 30th August 1941 in Presov, Slovakia. He studied at the Secondary School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in Kosice and at the Faculty of Education of the University in Presov. First exhibition of his drawings with the theme “anatomy” he had in 1966 in Prague. He began to publish in 1967 in Prague magazine “Student”. Later he drew for many newspapers and magazines, but after the occupation of Czechoslovakia they stopped publishing his drawings. In 1968 he participated for the first time at a national cartoon exhibition in Pisek. In 1971 he started drawing for humor magazine Rohac, in which he later published most of his works. As a master collaborator of Rohac he participated at common exhibitions at home and abroad (Poland: Warsaw, Lodz, Hungary: Budapest, Cuba: El Banos, Germany: Berlin; Bulgaria: Gabrovo). Drawings by Rasto Visokai published also many foreign magazines, eg the world famous German satirical “Pardon”. Several of his artworks purchased in its collections the City Gallery of Bratislava. After the termination of Rohac he drew for magazines Bumerang, Arena, Literarny tyzdennik, Domino Forum. He participated in numerous collective and individual exhibitions. His artworks have won several awards: 1995 – Golden Keg Slovakia – 3rd Prize; 1996 – Golden Keg Slovakia – Grand Prix, 1997 – Cartoon Biennale Pisek, Czech Republic – Honorable Mention, 1998, 2005-2008 Knokke Heist, Belgium and 2011 – Kruishoutem, Belgium – exposition of the best drawings. In the years 2004-2012 for serious family reasons, he lived in France and almost ceased to draw. After returning to Slovakia Rasto Visokai participated in the international exhibition of cartoons in Smolenice, organized by the CM University Trnava, Slovakia. In 2012 and 2013 he exhibited in Presov. Currently Rasto Visokai lives and works in Kosice, Slovakia.
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