Laco Torma was born on 17th June 1953 in Valtice near Breclav, Czech Republic. He graduated at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. He worked as a construction engineer, now he is devoted to advertising, graphic design and exhibitions. The first drawings he published in 1973 and since then his works are appearing in many Slovak and foreign magazines. He also devotes to graphic art, illustrations and publishing. He illustrated the first book in 1997 and since then co-illustrated several books. He has a rich exhibiting activities at home (18 individual and about 80 collective exhibitions) and abroad (about 50 collective exhibitions). His cartoons won many major awards in both Slovak and international cartoon competitions (about 23 prizes and honourable mentions). From 1998 till 2008 he issued series of books “Prasacinky 1-4” in which cartoons of Slovak and foreign cartoonists are accompanied by aphorisms and epigrams by Tomas Janovic (famous slovak writer). Laco Torma also cooperates in preparation of several literary projects of the poet Lubomir Feldek. He lives and works in Vojka and Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
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