Kazo Kanala was born on 15th August 1946 in Sahy. He studied at the Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. During his life he worked in various professions, currently works as a freelance artist. He is devoted to cartooning, book and journal illustrations, drawn and animated film and creation of advertising spots. His artworks have been awarded by major prizes at national and international competitions. Enormous importance for the Slovak cartooning has his organisational work – he is the founder and longtime president of the Slovak Union of Cartoonists and president of Federation of European Cartoonists Organisations (FECO) for Slovak Republic. He organized many exhibitions in Slovakia (for example 5 Salons of European Cartoon), and a lot of presentations of Slovak and Visegrad cartoons in many European countries and in other continents as well. Significant are his curational activities. He is the author of several cartoon books. Legendary were his regular “Drawing afternoons” for children suffering from cancer. He lives and works in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
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