Julio Angel Carrion Cueva also known as KARRY was born in 1958 in Lima, Peru. He is the illustrator, caricaturist, cartoonist, and historian. He began his career in 1980 creating cartoons for “Procesca Films” at the same time published in the magazine “Cosquillas”. Since then he has published in the most important media of his country in 12 newspapers and in the political weekly: “Monos Y Monadas” and “El Otorongo” of Peru. At the moment he draws his editorial cartoons in the newspaper “Trome”, in “Aptitus” of the newspaper “El Comercio”, in “Cartooning for Peace” (France), “Cartoon Movement” (Holland) and “toonpool.com” (Germany). He has been drawing cartoons since 1995 for several institutional bodies: “INDECOPI”, “ONPE”, “FOVIDA”, “INDEPA”, “PLADES”, the most notable was with “FENTAP”, his comic book “Water is a human right” was compiled and translated into 5 languages by European Union. Volume was presented at Expo Zaragoza 2008. In October 2008, he received a prize and homage by the university “Alas Peruanas” for his career, validity and contribution, marking with his art an important milestone in the history of graphic humor in Peru. His global circulation calendar “The World Of Karry” wins the third prize in the category of Graphic Humor in the ninth edition of the World Press Cartoon 2012 in Portugal. Since 2009 he has been a member of the international juries in several countries. Nominated in 2013 and 2014 to integrate the “Multilingual Yearbook” of “Press Cartoon Europe” (Belgium). In 2015 participated in the book on the Universal Tolerance Organization (UTO) “I am Charlie” (Norway). The wide range of his humorous drawings are displayed in many catalogs, websites and in different international collective exhibitions, such as: “El filo cortante de la verdad” where he exhibited alongside 26 outstanding graphic humorists and designers from America, Europe, Africa and Asia, on the subject of censorship and freedom of thought. Organized by “Aluna Curatorial Colective” in Little Havana – Miami 2015. He published five books of humor. He is considered the most awarded caricaturist of Peru – has received more than 70 international awards. The first prizes were: In the 7th Festival of Graphic Humor in Italy (2005), “Human therapy” in Spain (2005), and the last two in: 3rd International Contest “Noticartun Colombia” (2017) and “Toons Mag” in Norway (2017). Karry lives and works in Lima, Peru.
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