Urgent power and self-initiating ability of a great talent, fulfilling every cell of the body, should find its expression in all circumstances – a perfect example of that is an excellent Austrian artist and cartoonist Gerhard Gepp (1940).
Gerhard Gepp was blessed with such talent really generously – that’s why he can constantly surprise us by unusual artistic delicacies. He disposes a unique, absolutely unmistakable style, his artworks act suggestively purifying. We can boldly say that he is a man of deep knowledge and strong sensitivity, a visionary and hence the artist of exceptional quality, who has no comparable partner in his genre. His work is unique and unprecedented in the world of “cartoon art”.
Let us now summarize briefly his life paths: Gerhard Gepp was born in 1940 in Pressbaum near Vienna, where he lives and works till these days. Originally trained as an offset printer, later worked as a photographer in the advertising field, finally settled down where his destiny and talent predetermined him – he became a freelance artist. He worked with great enthusiasm – especially devoted to free creative work and illustration, as well as to graphic design and cartoons. In the next period he creates a number of drawings, gouaches and oil paintings, which he exhibits with great success in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium. Since 1976 he also produces hand-coloured etchings. Publishes numerous of his works in the prestigious journals in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Creates also posters and receives significant awards. Since 1989, Gerhard Gepp begins to work on his new artistic project called “The Poetic Satire”. He creates this cycle in modern, wide possibilities offering technique of acrylic on cardboard and canvas – these artworks encounter a great positive response at a number of exhibitions across Europe. Since 1991, he starts an project called “Devolution”, in which artistically reworks papers and cardboards prepared by special procedures (acids, alkali). Participates at many international competitions and festivals and receives numerous awards (we can mention at least International Kartoonale Limburg / Belgium – Special Award 1992, the Dutch Catoonfestival Eindhoven / Netherlands – Special Award 1998, Satyrykon Legnica / Poland – Grand Prix 2006 and many others). Collections of his artworks are published in numerous catalogs (Gerhard Gepp 1982, 1984, 1986, 1987, Devolution 1991, Poetische Satire 1997-2000, 2001-2003, Gerhard Gepp 2010 …). He illustrates a number of international and German-language books and publishes his own book “Small boat on a big trip”. Artworks by Gerhard Gepp are in permanent collections of many museums and galleries in Austria, Switzerland, Russia, Czech Republic, Italy, … In 2001, Gerhard Gepp obtained the prestigious professional title of Professor. Just as much and very briefly for the introduction of Gerhard Gepp – because about his personality and work entire books could be written. And numerous ones will be written in the future …
Today we bring you a comprehensive selection of artworks by Gerhard Gepp in which we present you master’s work from the period 1997 to 2011. Although the artworks are not arranged in strict chronological order, we have a unique opportunity to observe an interesting evolutionary process of the master’s style from the artistically energetic handwriting of earlier works to the current more peaceful and harmonic style. We wish you a pleasant artistic experience!
(For fullscreen presentation in “Slideshow”mode click under the picture to such button

* See also the profile page of Gerhard Gepp in the section “Gallery” – click here