Juli Sanchis Aguado – author passionately focused on freedom and humanity, adopted the pseudonym “Harca” – so was called the cruel game of his childhood, which consisted in resisting direct throwing stones between two rival groups of children. Even this fact illustrates very well Harca’s tendency to sharp and uncompromising humor, always ready to defend ethnic minorities, the underprivileged and disadvantaged people.
Juli Sanchis Aguado alias “Harca” was born in Picassent-Valencia (Spain) in 1942. Growing up, Harca developed a love for drawing. At the age of 13, a teacher advised him to pursue his dream and enroll in the Academia de Bellas Artes in Valencia. He was only able to complete one year of studies, as his family needed his help to make ends meet. Even so, Harca maintained a devotion to his craft. A few years later, the director of “Raons”, a local magazine, asked Harca to sign on as a freelance contributor – giving birth to Harca’s humorous and satirical style.
Since then, Harca’s artworks have appeared in numerous periodicals throughout Spain, including newspapers such as Pueblo, Levante and El Pais; and magazines like Vida Cooperativa, Agricultura Jove, Saó, Dos y dos, Camp Valencià, Cal dir, Consum, Valencia Semanal, L’Horta, El Corcó, Objetivos, Generalitat, BIM Torrent, El Pardalot Engabiat, 7 Dies de la Comarca, Estudi, Lluita, Papers, Traure, Serveis Socials, La Golondriz, L’Eliana 2000, Dimensión HUMANA, Música i Poble, XOOOC PICASSENT, Valencia 7 dias, Abogacía Española, PICA’M and nonada.es. Harca had a number of individual exhibitions in many countries (Spain, Croatia, Italy, Argentina,…) and participated in innumerable collective exhibitions at home and all over the world.
Harca is probably the most awarded spanish cartoonist – he won lots of prestigious prizes and honorable mentions at international cartoon competitions around the world (among many others in Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Bursa, Haifa, Gabrovo, Trento, Duisburg, Florida, …). His works were selected in Knokke-Heist, Montreal, Bordighera, Gabrovo, Tolentino, Ancona, Piracicaba, Cuba, Buenos Aires, Holland, Belgium, Saint Just Le Martel, Marostica, Moscow, Anglet, Skopje, Japan, Omiya, Lisbon, Haifa, Seoul, Foligno, Ankara, Cairo, Saint Esteve, Kyoto, Istanbul, Tehran, Croatia, Munich, Eskisehir, Genzano di Roma, Perugia, Turin, Trento, Deva, Ploiesti, Kürbis-Bartlauer, Athens, Belgrade, Rhodes and Gaza. He has served also in many juries of cartoon contests in Spain and abroad.
In 1982 published comic book Quart, el meu poble. In 2001, Harca published a compilation of his artworks La Etapa Negra (The Black Time). In 2011 published album of his cartoons “Vull la Lluna”. Harca was one of the organizers of Samples „Freedom of Expression“ and „Earth in danger“. He organised other exhibitions named “Evolution and Creationism” and “Violence“. He also provided animations for Spanish Television (TVE) programs “Els Nostres Arbres” in 1982 and “Terrorisme Fiscal” in 1983.
Juli Sanchis Aguado (Harca) is a holder of the prestigious title „Honorary Professor of Humor“ at the University of Alcala de Henares and „Notary of Humor“ at the University of Alicante. Some of his artworks are included in „The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons“ of the United States of America. Harca is the Vice-President of FECO-Spain (the FEderation of Cartoonists Organisations). He is living and working in Valencia, Spain.
We invite you to explore the creative work of this important Spanish cartoonist.
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* See also the profile of Juli Sanchis Aguado (Harca) in the section “Gallery” – look here