


From the 5th to the 7th April 2013 the ILF Prague hotel hosted the participants of the international conference Bridges in Life Sciences 8th Annual Scientific Conference, whose main organizers were RECOOP HST Association and the University of Debrecen with the support of the Visegrad Fund. The event included the humour cartoons exhibition Brain Sneezing with the participation of the renowned cartoonists Henryk Cebula, Seyran Caferli, Bobisa Todorovic, Viaceslav Kazanevski, Oleg Goutsol and Fedor Vico. During the conference they were drawing new cartoons reflecting the presented scientific topics and the overall atmosphere; moreover, they chose the best posters displayed by young scientists. Hopefully, the cooperation of science and art will continue as there is a plan to conduct a new project in which doctors and cartoonists will prepare new diagnostic tools for the diagnosis of serious children diseases.

The scientists gave the RECOOP Laughing Scientist Award to these cartoonists:

1st prize Bobisa Todorovic, 300 USD

2nd prize Henryk Cebula, 200 USD

3rd prize Oleg Goutsol, 100 USD

The cartoonists gave the Sneezing Brain Award to the University of Osijek School of Medicine for the poster: Brain Awareness Week in Croatia

1 cena Bobisa Todorovic

1st prize – Bobisa TODOROVIC / Serbia

2.cena Henryk Cebula

2nd prize – Henryk CEBULA / Poland

3, cena Oleg Goutsol

3rd prize – Oleg GOUTSOL / Ukraine

Cebula 03 001

Henryk CEBULA / Poland


The atmosphere of this successful event will mediate for you the following pictures:

V4 ILF 07

V4 ILF 11

V4  ILF 01

V4  ILF  vystava

V4 ILF 10

ILF vytvarnici

The artists

Fedor Vico

Fedor Vico / Slovakia

Bobisa Todorovic

Bobisa Todorovic / Serbia

Henryk Cebula

Henryk Cebula / Poland

Oleg Goutsol a Viaceslav Kazanevski

Oleg Goutsol and Viaceslav Kazanevski / Ukraine

Seyran Caferli

Seyran Caferli / Azerbaijan

* Source: Peter Razus – Brain Sneezing

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