Happy 2024





Dear friends, welcome to the exhibition of New Year and Christmas greetings from cartoonists and fans of cartoons from home and around the world.

As you will soon see for yourselves, this exhibition mirrors the events of the past year 2023. The world has once again and continues to face many crises and conflicts that have claimed human lives, suffering and insecurity. The ongoing war in Ukraine, Israel’s new war with Hamas, the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, the humanitarian crises in Congo and Yemen are just some more examples of bad developments in the world. At the same time, we have witnessed the increased threat of climate change, which has caused extreme weather events, droughts, floods, fires and water shortages in many regions.

On the other hand, 2023 has also brought many good news and achievements. In many cases, we have witnessed exemplary empathy, mutual aid and solidarity making life easier for the sick and suffering. In the field of science and technology, we have seen unprecedented discoveries and contributions that help us to improve quality of life, health, education and communication. In the field of culture and the arts, we have enjoyed a rich harvest of visual arts, films, music and literature that have delighted, encouraged and inspired us.

Dear friends, 2023 was a year full of contrasts, which once again convinced us that the world is definitely not black and white, but multi-coloured. Just as the cartoons and cartoons we bring you in this exhibition are colourful. Among them are works that are sharply satirical, mercilessly critical, but also drawings that are funny and full of optimism, wonderful greetings from artists who try to capture the essence of everything that is happening around us.

We invite you to look at them with us, laugh and reflect. And together with them, we wish you all the best for the New Year 2024. May it be filled with peace, love, health and happiness.

And may it also be full of good cartoons.


VladimirKazanevsky1Vladimir KAZANEVSKY (UA)


WillemRasing7Willem RASING (NL)


GezaHalaszGeza HALASZ (HU)


MarlenePohleMarlene POHLE (DE)


FeroJablonovskyFero JABLONOVSKY (SK)


GioMariagrazia QUARANTA – GIO (IT)


RadekSteska3Radek STESKA (CZ)




PolLeursPol LEURS (LU)


WillemRasing10Willem RASING (NL)


LubomirKotrha1Lubomir KOTRHA (SK)


CarlosAmorimCarlos AMORIM (BR)


MarcoDeAngelisMarco De ANGELIS (IT)


JulioCarrionCuevaJulio CARRION CUEVA – KARRY (PE)


CarlosBritoCarlos BRITO (FR)


JordanPop-Iliev1Jordan POP-ILIEV (MK)


WillemRasing11Willem RASING (NL)


IvailoTsvetkovIvailo TSVETKOV (BG)


VojtechKrumpolecVojtech KRUMPOLEC (SK)


DavidVelaDavid VELA (ES)


JacekFrackiewiczJacek FRACKIEWICZ (PL)


rakuskekultforum1Austrian Cultural Forum (SK/AT)


LacoTormaLaco TORMA (SK)


BernardBoutonBernard BOUTON (FR)


EmilioIscaEmilio ISCA (IT)


JanTomaschoff5Jan TOMASCHOFF (DE)


AlanLesykAlan LESYK (SK)


AdamKorpakAdam KORPAK (FI/PL)


WillemRasing8Willem RASING (NL)


KlausPitterKlaus PITTER (AT)


LeonDeBorger1Leon De BORGER (BE)


JerzyGluszekJerzy GLUSZEK (PL)


TomasSerranoTomas SERRANO (ES)


WillemRasing9Willem RASING (NL)


StefaanProvijnStefaan PROVIJN (BE)


MiroslavBartakMiroslav BARTAK (CZ)


LucVernimmenLuc VERNIMMEN (BE)


LubomirKotrha4Lubomir KOTRHA (SK)


JiriSlivaJiri SLIVA (CZ)


DarkoDrljevicDarko DRLJEVIC (ME)


VladimirasBeresniovas4Vladimiras BERESNIOVAS (LT)


RainerEhrt1Rainer EHRT (DE)


GatisSlukaGatis SLUKA (LV)


IvanPopovicIvan POPOVIC (SK)


RadekSteska6Radek STESKA (CZ)


VladimirasBeresniovas1Vladimiras BERESNIOVAS (LT)


BorislavStankovicBorislav STANKOVIC – STABOR (RS)


OskarWeissOskar WEISS (CH)


LubomirKotrha2Lubomir KOTRHA (SK)


WillemRasing1Willem RASING (NL)


DusanJunek2Dusan JUNEK (SK)


VladimirasBeresniovas3Vladimiras BERESNIOVAS – VLABER (LT)


LubomirKotrha10Lubomir KOTRHA (SK)


HuleHanusicHule HANUSIC (BA/AT)


ValeriaTakacova3Valeria TAKACOVA (SK)


PavelMatuskaPavel MATUSKA (CZ)


WillemRasing2Willem RASING (NL)





MiroGeorgievskiMiro GEORGIEVSKI (MK)


HaroutiunSamuelianHaroutiun SAMUELIAN (AM)


BretislavKovarikBretislav KOVARIK (CZ)


PavelTaussigPavel TAUSSIG (DE)


MarilenaNardiMarilena NARDI (IT)






Peter RAZUS (SK)


ValeriaTakacova1Valeria TAKACOVA (SK)


RadekSteska5Radek STESKA (CZ)


WillemRasing5Willem RASING (NL)


DankaPolakovicovaDaniela POLAKOVICOVA (SK)


MilanAlasevicMilan ALASEVIC (SI)


OlegDergachovOleg DERGACHOV (CA)


WillemRasing3Willem RASING (NL)


LubomirKotrha3Lubomir KOTRHA (SK)


RadekSteska11Radek STESKA (CZ)





LubomirLichyLubomir LICHY (CZ)


WillemRasing6Willem RASING (NL)


JiriNovakJiri NOVAK (CZ)


BoboPerneckyBobo PERNECKY (SK)


VladimirKazanevsky2Vladimir KAZANEVSKY (UA)


OlgaPazeriniOlga PAZERINI (SK)


LubomirKotrha7Lubomir KOTRHA (SK)


BarbaraBrathova2Barbara BRATHOVA (SK)


JanTomaschoff1 Jan TOMASCHOFF (DE)


PeterIlcikPeter ILCIK (SK)


RomanJurkas2Roman JURKAS (CZ)


LeonDeBorgerLeon De BORGER (BE)


JakubSuchy1Jakub SUCHY (SK)


MariePlotenaMarie PLOTENA (CZ)


JozefVydrnak2Jozef VYDRNAK (SK)


JordanPopIlievJordan POP-ILIEV (MK)


RadekSteska2Radek STESKA (CZ)


JanaKollarikova2Janka KOLLARIKOVA (SK)


LubomirKotrha8Lubomir KOTRHA (SK)


Bulkis-VaniaRadevaVania RADEVA/ Bulgarian Cultural Centre (BG/SK)


RadekSteska8Radek STESKA (CZ)


TsochoPeevTsocho PEEV (BG)


PeterŽifcakPeter ZIFCAK (SK)


JozefGruspierJozef GRUSPIER (SK)


RomanSikaRoman SIKA (SK)


VladimirasBeresniovas2Vladimiras BERESNIOVAS – VLABER (LT)


RadekSteska4Radek STESKA (CZ)


MiroslavMotycikMiroslav MOTYCIK – MIME (SK)


LubomirKotrha9Lubomir KOTRHA (SK)


WillemRasing4Willem RASING (NL)


ZdenkoPuhinZdenko PUHIN (HR)


DusanJunek1Dusan JUNEK (SK)


RadekSteska9Radek STESKA (CZ)


MarianHatala1Marian HATALA (SK)


RomanJurkas1Roman JURKAS (CZ)


KarolCizmaziaKarol CIZMAZIA (SK)


RadekSteska7Radek STESKA (CZ)


OlegDergachov1Oleg DERGACHOV (CA)


PeterRazus2Peter RAZUS (SK)


RadekSteska10Radek STESKA (CZ)


LubomirKotrha6Lubomir KOTRHA (SK)


JordanPop-Iliev2Jordan POP-ILIEV (MK)


JanTomaschoff3Jan TOMASCHOFF (DE)


JanaKollarikova1Janka KOLLARIKOVA (SK)


RadekSteska1Radek STESKA (CZ)


AlenaBugarovaAlena BUGAROVA (SK)


LubomirKotrha5Lubomir KOTRHA (SK)


ValeriaTakacova2Valeria TAKACOVA (SK)




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